I, Jenilee, am a stay-at-home mom/amateur photographer.I am trying to live in the moment and love spending time with my boys and watching them grow – not missing the little things that disappear so quickly. I love capturing the expressions of my children, family, and friends through pictures and seeing their reactions inspires me.To sum up it all up, I would say I am a believer in Christ, wife, mother, daughter, sister, youth worker, friend, and a lover of photography.
My husband is a youth pastor and works part time jobs so he can do what God has called him to do while supporting our family! He is amazing at designing, advertising and writing. He is such a creative man. (Hopefully I can get him to blog a few posts every now and then.) But most of all he is an amazing husband and daddy who loves Jesus! Oh yeah, I don’t want to forget to mention he’s a crazy sport enthusiast and very loyal fan of the New York Yankees, New York Giants (even though he lives in Buffalo now that he’s married to me), and Buffalo Sabers (he did pick up one Buffalo team).Our boys are Elijah and Josiah and we are so blessed to be their parents. We have truly been given a gift. They will probably be the subject of most of our posts (with a few photo posts in-between).
We hope you stop by often and enjoy seeing what is happening with our family!